Thurstaston Beach

Thurstaston beach
Thurstaston Beach Weather Forecast
18:22, February 10, 2025
weather icon 0°C
L: 0° H: 0°
Humidity 0
Pressure 0 mb
Wind 0 m/s
Wind Gust: 0 m/s
UV Index: 0
Precipitation: 0 inch
Visibility: 0 km
Sunrise: 18:22
Sunset: 18:22

Sat Nav Postcode: Thurstaston CH61 0HN

Parking: Paid car parks

Facilities: Cafe, visitor centre (Thurstaston common), toilet inside cafe


Sat Nav Postcode: Thurstaston CH61 0HN

Visiting Thurstaston Beach

Visiting Thurstaston Beach on 21st Jan 2023 was not ideal weather-wise, with it being cold and wet. This isn’t how I wanted to experience the beach for my review – after all, a place like Thurstaston deserves to be seen in its full glory.

Thankfully, what I can tell you right now is that the sights were still breathtakingly beautiful – even if overshadowed by overcast skies. I hardly noticed the chill of the wind as I took it all in; an experience worth remembering even with nature at her most inclement. What’s more, I plan to return throughout the year so as to give you, the reader, a more accurate look at this incredible destination no matter the season!

The access to Thurstaston beach is down a long stretch of road.

Thursaston Beach driving toward
Driving toward Thurstaston beach

With its stunning views, gorgeous sand and blue ocean, the beach near the Wirral way and Thurstaston Common is a popular place to visit. Unfortunately, it is impossible to park for free, but don’t let that dissuade you from visiting this lovely area! One option for convenient parking is the car parks on both sides of the road near the beach- ample spaces are available! Although parking can get congested due to the large number of visitors coming to enjoy this peaceful spot, all vehicle parking comes with a fee. The cost is worth it though; to park your car so conveniently close to such beauty.

Car Parking at Thurstaston Beach

The beach entrance

As you leave the car park you should see cross over the small humped bridge (go careful because there is no sidewalk here) and then spot the sign above at the end of the road.

Follow a short dirt track and you should reach some steep steps that lead down to the beach below.

What type of sand is at Thurstaston beach?

It’s a bit of a mixture of fine and coarse sand with pebbled areas. There are sandstone cliffs along the edge covered in greenery which look great but no doubt add to the coarseness overall.

Here’s a few images to show you:

More images of Thurstaston beach

Is there a cafe at Thurstaston beach?

Thurstaston beach is a popular destination for visitors, but there is no cafe close to the shoreline. However, this doesn’t mean there are no refreshment options nearby.

There are a few cafes just beyond the car park at the visitor centre of Thurstaston Common.

These options offer you more than just your typical cafe menu items – they also provide access to toilets and a BBQ area. And if you’re willing to drive a bit further back up the road you came down when you first arrived, the Strawberry Moon cafe has its own private parking and possibly more unique food options.

A Panoramic view of the beach

Thurstaston common

Thurstaston Common, a precious wildlife reserve overseen by the National Trust since 1960, is situated right next to Thurstaston Beach. With its multiple species of gorgeous creatures and lush vegetation, this nature reserve offers an incredible opportunity to explore one’s natural surroundings.

If you’re in need of a peaceful, picturesque escape to de-stress and reconnect with nature, The Common offers stunningly beautiful views that stretch out towards the Dee Estuary, Thurstaston Hill and the Welsh Hills. A perfect location for families who seek adventure outside their comfort zone – go ahead and explore! Walking or cycling is encouraged here so why not strap on your hiking boots or hop onto those bikes and soak up all this fresh air?

In order to protect the wildlife of Thurstaston Common and ensure visitors have a safe experience, The National Trust has implemented particular regulations for their nature reserve. One such restriction is that campfires are prohibited; this ensures the unique characteristics remain intact.

Other info

There is a camping and caravanning site right next to Thurstaston beach which is accessed via a private road. This road leads the sailing club where there are just a handful of parking spots with access to the boats and a further area of Thurstaston common. Please remember that this is a private area and if you choose to head down here it is at your own risk.

Sunset at Thurstaston beach

I am by no means a photographer but even I couldn’t resist a couple of quick snaps with my phone as the sun started to go down.

Tide times for the river Dee at Thursatston beach

10 February 2025

Time Type Height
08:52 low 0m
10:52 high 2.88m
21:32 low 0m
23:21 high 2.97m

11 February 2025

Time Type Height
09:48 low 0m
11:40 high 3.37m
22:23 low 0m

12 February 2025

Time Type Height
00:06 high 3.33m
10:33 low 0m
12:21 high 3.7m
23:06 low 0m

View full 7 day tide times.

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Can you swim at Thurstaston Beach?

For your safety, swimming at this beach is not recommended. Additionally, the slipway serves as an entrance for cockle fishermen – making it particularly hazardous to take a dip here.

Is Thurstaston beach dog friendly?

Invite your four-legged friend to join you at any time of day, all year round! Dogs are always welcome here.

For more information about the beachs in Wirral click here

Your Local Wirral

I moved to Wirral in 2006 and love this place. I have raised my two kids here and currently live in Parkgate. When looking for somewhere to live, the Wirral has it all. Beaches, fantastic shops, great commuter links, museums, art galleries, theatres, countryside, it’s near to Liverpool, Chester & Manchester and a whole lot more. Good and bad, I put this website together to try and explore it all and share it as I go. I hope you enjoy my journey!